“I’ve been renting so long, I never thought I would or could be a homeowner and today I closed on MY new house…”
-Allie Williams

Congratulations to mother and daughter, Allie and Sandra Williams, who are first time homebuyers! The Williams purchased their new home with their Section 8 Voucher from North Delta Regional Housing Authority (NDRHA) and financing from Renaissance Community Loan Fund. The CDC developed the three bedroom, two bath and carport with construction financing from Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC).
Tunica County CDC New Housing Initiative moves families with Section 8 Vouchers from renters to Homeowners. Allie and her daughter, Sandra are the first family in Tunica County to qualify and purchase a home in the program. The New Housing Initiative converts the Section 8 Voucher to the Homeownership Voucher and qualifies the family for a mortgage loan through our credit counseling and financial education programs.
The CDC partners with NDRHA, LISC, and Renaissance Community Loan Fund to make homeownership a reality for Section 8 tenants.
For more information on the Tunica County CDC and the New Housing Initiative, visit tunicacountycdc.org.
For more information on Renaissance’s Mortgage Program, The Dream Fund, click here.